Animation and GI

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Animation and GI

Post by Marky »

Hi all,

AM still experimenting with Kray and I have now doing a new project with an animation. I was wondering if there is a way to save a GI file so it can render quicker and perhaps approximate in the animation. The problem is I have one character who is animating and therefore it can't render the character because I have set GI shared across. The scene is 400 frames long I will have to do at least 12 of them but its only one character animating in each. I was wondering if there is a way to just approximate GI for the character whilst the room keeps the "same" GI. I tried turning some objects to be unseen by camera so I can have just the character rendering so I could perhaps use an alpha map to cut the character out but that seems to change the way the light falls on the character.

Thanks for any help at all


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Post by silverlw »

hmm we still miss a "exclude from GI" button in Kray. :?
I think the solution here is to render in different passes and compose them later. You can render out an spherical environment HDRI of the room and apply that to the guy in a separate pass so the lighting will be the same on the character. This is out of my field though so please tell us how you proceed and what problems you may stumble on.
Why cant you render everything in the same shoot? You get to long rendertimes? flicker? If you get flicker/patterns moving, use high N-values to get a stable irradiancemap. Do some quick renders (irradiance map only no AA) and see how it behaves. If the irradiancemap moves in the test ,you will also see it moving in the final animation.
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Post by Marky »

The reason I cannopt render them out in one pass is that each frame takes around 20 - 30 minutes. So over 400 frames which is about 5 days per animation which in turn will have to be done around at least a month or more to get the animations finished but there still might be more. AN hdri option might be a good idea, never thought of that. WIll see if that works.

I was thinking of baking the texture on the character and hoping that change in lighting as result of moving will not be noticeable. I was also thinking about doing a rendering pass with the the baked shadow onto a white room with a "fake light source" to get the shadows mapped down and tehn composite all together with a alpha'd character and a mulitplied shadow over the top in post.

The problem I was thinking was that some items are reflective also but then was also hoping it might not be noticeable enough. But I could perhaps use your hdri idea with just the table thats reflective and the character and see if that will speed render times. I am really looking for no more than 2 - 3 minutes a frame in the end if.

Will post results of what I get
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Post by jure »

Maybe you could try this: render out only bounced light with no shadows and bake it to object. Then you can render out enviroment map and use it to light your character with the ASA_FakeIrradianceIllumination plugin You'll get pretty correct bounced color on your character this way.
Then you will probably need a couple of area lights to light your character so you get smooth shadows...

I haven't tried this myself though so I'll be very interested to see what you come up with....
- Jure
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Post by Marky »

NOt exactly sure if I am understanding u right there. But will try it and give it a go to see if I am getting u right. Does it mean I set up the camera at 0 0 and the bake the room out. I will use that baked HDRI image (which was done in kray) to light the room using the plugin? Then use a light to create a shadow for everyhitn in the the room?

Here is a screenshot I did today already. It was done with a bake of the character alpha'd over the background. As you can see there is no shadow over the table which I thought I could do by rendering out a white version of the table with a light creaintg the shadow but not getting the right result yet. Will keep at
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Post by jure »

Yes setup a room without a character and bake the GI only to texture maps... Then render out spherical panoramic image of your room which will serve as a lighting image for the ASA_FakeIrradiance plugin (you'll need to convert spherical map to cube to work with the plugin i think).

Then set up your scene with bake maps in appropriate channels. Add couple of area lights to affect character so it'll cast shadows and add ASA_FakeIrradiance plugin to character...

Hope that works for you!
- Jure
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Post by Marky »

Am having a go right now. I am just waitying for the hdr images to bake using kray. What I am not sure about is that should I render the images using the plugin with lightave or will kray work ok with the plugin?

Keeping fingers crossed on this working :D
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Post by jure »

You'll need to render out with LW since Kray cant use shaders...
- Jure
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Post by Marky »

Cool thanks
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Post by Marky »

Sorry for this but I think am still getting confused as it doesnt' seem to work. Why do you have to bake a seperate GI without shadows for the character? Is it only the character?

I baked 6 camera angles in lightwave with kray as HDRI, I then stiched them in photoshop and tried applying that image to the plugin. Its just looks as though the image is mapping onto the character. Am not sure if its because I have not baked the GI seperately?
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Post by Marky »

Was still messing about and no luck with that plugin. I ever tried it with a spherioacl HDRI just incase and it seemed to still map it as a texture map.

Was thinking some more. IF i baked the whole scene with just GI maps and tehn used a fake light to render the shadows would that still work? and put the GI map in the luminosity channel? THey would have to be pretty large but am hoping they might work. WIll take a will to get done but it might work.
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Post by jure »

Sorry for this but I think am still getting confused as it doesnt' seem to work. Why do you have to bake a seperate GI without shadows for the character? Is it only the character?
No don't bake GI for character. Character will get GI by ASA_FakeIrr plugin. You only need to bake GI for room.
Marky wrote:Was still messing about and no luck with that plugin. I ever tried it with a spherioacl HDRI just incase and it seemed to still map it as a texture map.
Check this page again: You see you need blurred spherical map not cubic for the plugin to work. So render out spherical with KRay and use LW's FPblur in image editor.
Marky wrote: Was thinking some more. IF i baked the whole scene with just GI maps and tehn used a fake light to render the shadows would that still work? and put the GI map in the luminosity channel? THey would have to be pretty large but am hoping they might work. WIll take a will to get done but it might work.
Yes that's exactly what I was suggesting. Put the baked texture in lumi and color channel (to get color bleeding)[/quote]
- Jure
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Post by Marky »

ok here is a render of what I have just now. It takes 2.3 seconds to render which is a million times better.

However I cannot get the shadow from the character but I don't know if I am doing the luminous map wrong. I back out the GI to an hdri with surface flags 1 to get the GI. I then load it back in to the object and put itin the lum channel and set it to multiply. I then have to turn it to 100% to get it looking the same. The problem I have is when it is set to 100% I cannot recieve shadows on my objects. Have I applied the 100% correctly? I also have to exclude lights as it becomes over exposed which is also the reason I can't see the shadow.

I also could get the colour of the character right with that plugin. I baked an HDRI shperical map as suggested and then applied the plugin and tried the different settings but none of them recreate my original render so am not sure where I am going wrong. The image below is a baked character texture map so unfortunately the lighting won't change as it moves. Also there is no shadows on the table.

AM I trying something that really can't be done in the one pass?
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