Cache Irradiance is no help

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Cache Irradiance is no help

Post by NiGMa »


Kray is great! I've been using the demo for a while but I can't get acceptable results using "Cache Irradiance". I was continuously having trouble with splotches on my walls etc. Then I realised I could turn off "Cache Irradiance" and my renders were much better, grainy, but still better than splotches, also its WAY FASTER than using "Cache Irradiance". But I see everyone using it on these forums so I know I must be doing something wrong. Anyone got any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

I have attached a render with MinFG 1000, Max FG 1000, 1,000,000 photons, light mapping, received, n=15000. Hope that helps.
EDIT: Also, I have tried with 4000MinMaxFG, but it is still splotchy and slow. If i used 4000 with no "Cache Irradiace" it would be a beautiful render.

Also, I can't wait for 1.7, I am running a 4x1.8Ghz machine but Kray only uses 1x1.8. Multi-threading would be greatly appreciated!


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Post by silverlw »

Hmmm how many photons actually "hit" your room? Are you using received mode so it receives 1 million lmapphotons? It looks to me that you have to little photons in the room forcing FG to work harder.
try something like FG min400 max 4000 and 2 million received lmapsphotons N-value 10.000.
We betatest the multithreaded version now ;) That's all i can say for the moment.
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Post by NiGMa »

Thanks Silver,

I am using Received Lightmapping.. I will do a render with your settings and post it when it gets done.

How far away do you think the new version is? 1 week? 1 month?

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Post by silverlw »

I can only speculate since it's not my call. Maybe a week.
Captain Obvious
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Post by Captain Obvious »

I don't see the problem. If it renders faster without irradiance caching, why not just turn it off?
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Post by NiGMa »

Captain: The problem is that for me it seems faster if I don't use Irradiance Caching, but I see people on this forum using it and getting much better render times.

Silverlw: I have attached the new render with your suggestions. It looks alot better but still not correct, i see some splotches. It also took far too long 8.5hrs for 880x662 render. Is there something in my scene that could be slowing it down? I'm very new to kray so it might be something obvious for you guys and not for me.

Also, it takes a long time to generate the precomputed irradiance using "photons estimate" will this be multi-threaded as well? i notice that alot of apps that claim to have multi-threading support only do in part, even lightwave doesn't use multi-threading for modeller, only when rendering.

Thanks again for you help

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Post by silverlw »

Hmmm... First of all, i can only speculate by looking at your renders. If there is something strange with your scene i have to investigate it's geometry,lightsetup and surfaces. Kray is like any other renderengine. It must be given proper requirements to produce it's best. Is it possible to send me your room? The generation of the irradiancemap can take some time but done properly you gain time in the end since Kray doesnt have to shoot so much FG. Speaking of next generation kray, i am not allowed to speak of next generation of Kray ;) I cant give you specifikations yet but i promise you that it's multithreading not gonna dissapoint you.