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Re: Animation

Post by ideart »

Also if you can't avoid time interpolation and you have more than one workstation available for rendering you can distribute different frame ranges of your scene in those workstations with at least 30 frames overlapping and blend them together in after effects. Worked for me in the past.

The downside is more frames to render, the upside is the use of more workstations and if kray crashes on one of them during the night (it happens randomly quite a lot) then at least you will have the rendered frames of the rest workstations.

Good luck.
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Janusz Biela
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Re: Animation

Post by Janusz Biela »

if you have 3 computers (equal speed) is good idea to split animation. For example:
- 0-120
- 100-220
- 200-300
In AE you just overlap them with minimum 20 frames.
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Re: Animation

Post by Steel »

Thank you for the settings and your hints with spreading animation on different computers.

I´ve tried your settings. Looks much better but still some flickering in photons. Any idea what have to be changed
to get it more stable.

Thanks a lot !! ... 2.mp4?dl=0
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Re: Animation

Post by Steel »

Theses photon settings i´ve used so far
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Janusz Biela
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Re: Animation

Post by Janusz Biela »

Animation is too short for two reasons:
- Time Interpolation needs frames for blending - first frames goes to trash because you do not have -01, -02, -03 frame to blend with 01, 02, 03 frame
- is generally to short to see anything

Simple make low res test with 50 frames or more (not necessary reflection and animation)
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Re: Animation

Post by Steel »

Here is some low res results with the new settings.

Output Animation: ... 3.mp4?dl=0

Indirect Light: ... 3.mp4?dl=0

The only solution to make the result plausible was this idea :lol: :oops: : ... 3.mp4?dl=0
But i don´t think that the customer will be satisfied with that :D

Thanks for some new tips

edit: Ok. Main problems of flickering is not indirect light. It is from the reflection channel. :?: :!:
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Re: Animation

Post by Janusz Biela »

I see in animation some "Hot Photons" problems (I suspect). Can you render every 20 frames Prerender precompute? :
It will show us what happen with Photon Map. These "blinking" comes from huge photons power shots.
Of course each frame will have random and different photon information but for for us is more important how they look (cells)

At least in override mode whole GI start be good. One more thought: the object and camera move fast - this can be also problem for Time Interpolation because there is no space enough to blend frames. Between frames are simply too big probably we can do nothing with this, although you will make animation more "smooth" with camera and moving objects (less speed :wink: ).
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Re: Animation

Post by Steel »

Here is Anim of reflection Channel. Got a crash so not so much frames. But its obvious that the main flickering of light is from reflection channel. ... 3.mp4?dl=0

I will render the Prerender precompute

Prerender Precompute every 20frames. Put together as still frames ... s.mp4?dl=0
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Re: Animation

Post by Steel »

My Setup is based on dp sunlight and a GI dome with Sunsky.
There are Light portal polys in the roof. But i have just seen that "Kray LightPOrtal Shader" was twice
in there and wrong light applied....hmm.

I try one more preview
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Re: Animation

Post by Janusz Biela »

Ok now I see problems:

1. Do not use DP Sun Sky plugin: slow render, not supported in Kray.
2. Forget SkyPortals
3. Instead of PhotonMap use Lightmap - this is because you have huge space to fill up and using PhotonMap make this mission almost impossible in have to shoot at least 20-50 million s of photons. Also Skyportals not work with all light sources and perhaps you not get any photons from DP Sun (I am not sure with this)
4. Precache distance should be 100%
5. etc

Just use my Kray settings + my light system (I use it also for normal interiors):
(1.42 MiB) Downloaded 513 times
Use hidden LEM on the roofs but remember to add 50% transparency for them (I have to post to G. BUG with blocking no interpolated photons by hidden LEMs)

This scene is simple and should not be problem with animation at all.
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Re: Animation

Post by Steel »

Hi Janusz.
Thanks a lot for your support and further tips! The scenes where only camera motions are used are still rendered and
they look good. So i never thought about that setup could be sooo wrong. And i need the same look for the others. So i ´ve found a way to render scenes with moving train and without and composed it together with some raw rgb and ambient occlusion pass of lightwave.
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Re: Animation

Post by Janusz Biela »

Animation has his own "rules" especially when objects/lights are moving - this make really difficult mission without Path Tracing :mrgreen:
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Re: Animation

Post by Steel »

Janusz Biela wrote:
Alexis wrote:Hello,

1. Path Tracing: the best solution (actually ultimate right now).
You do not need any special setup in render engine but speed render is the longest one especially in Interiors or places when environment is closed enough to force photons travel longer then 2-4 bounces. You can render in network solution without any problems.

1. Path Tracing you do not need do nothing just fire and wait.
HI Janusz. I´ve some short question about how to handle Path Tracing the fastest. I´ve some industrial scene with lot of metallic high gloss reflective surfaces and some parts of them are animated in the scene. So i decided to use Path Tracing. I´ve made some tests with unchecked cache irradiance and render time its ok. Is there any improvement of rendertime when i use the path tracing mode with cached irradiance and bake gi map for scene first?...or does this kind of using PT with cached irradiance makes no sense?

Thanks :)
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Re: Animation

Post by Janusz Biela »

Path Tracing = no interpolation = pain is ass
There is no way to make it faster...except one trick: reducing recurse.
code for Kray CMD:

Code: Select all

recurse 4
This will bounce only 4 times photons and reduce calculation time. This is the reason why I not like Octane and Maxwell: limitations in Global Illumination. To speed up render time in these software coder limits recurse amount and also they add Occlusion Channel (hate it!) the end you get artificial render in interiors. Exteriors and studio renders are easy to calculate (very close to raytracing because most of photons die after one bounce light) so they looks good and render fast.
I suggest not to use Path Tracing Cache in K2.

The best setting for K2 is simple. This is minimum quality:
(10.44 KiB) Downloaded 445 times
Use load Items From Scene (so will be also tone mapping include)