Creepy scene look

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Creepy scene look

Post by larry_g1s »

Hey guys/gals,
I'm working on a scene for an animation with some of my friends and I'm having a bit of trouble nailing the look I want in Kray. The scene is suppose to be a creepy looking morgue/asylum. It's not that I'm not happy with the look over all, it's just not quite what I want. The look I'm more trying to mimic is from Capcom's Resident Evil/Biohazard remake game for the GameCube (see attached references). If you look at my image I'm getting a much more evenly light scene by the lights. What I'm liking from the Resident Evil/Biohazard look is the sharper lights, shadows, and contrast from light and dark. It's almost like Kray is working too good to light the scene.
my scene
my scene
Resident Evil/Biohazard example
Resident Evil/Biohazard example
point lights used to mimic the light bulb look
point lights used to mimic the light bulb look
Larry V

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Re: Creepy scene look

Post by acidarrow »

Use lower gamma, limit the number of bounces and do a LOT of post processing, to make the image more contrasty and gritty
erwin zwart
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Re: Creepy scene look

Post by erwin zwart »

set power for photonmap to low values that will decrease the indirect light much and you get that direct-light look. Use 2 bounces even to get the ambient-light raytrace look of that game.
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Re: Creepy scene look

Post by larry_g1s »

Thanks for the help guys. Some of the suggestions helped, but over all I dropped the ceiling and the lights. They were just to far from the character and ground, and as a result I was getting a more indirectional lit scene. I'll post some examples in just a bit.

EDIT: Quick test
kray test_00052.jpg
Larry V

Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is
the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.