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Re: pytanko

Post by artattak »

Janusz Biela wrote:
artattak wrote:W jaki sposob zrobiłeś tak realistycznie wygladajacą lampę
http://www.kraytracing.com/joomla/forum ... &mode=view
materiał lampy to transperency, translucency ? no i co emituje światło area czy moze lumipoligon
Ta lampa to najwiekszy problem ktory wyszedl....srednio. Klosz jest przezroczysty a w srodku jest lumi sphera. A teraz najwiekszy problem: uzylem blur transparency ktory jest strasznie wolny (znow klania sie brak shaderow w Krayu) to wszystko. Metalowy klosz w srodku dla uwidocznienia efektu. To tyle......tylko ta lampa zabrala mi ok 20-30% czasu w renderze...
Trzeba czekac niestety na shadery :(
Jak ta lampa wyszła "średnio " to ja rzucam ten rendering i zatrudnie się na budowie :-) Dzięki za wskazówki nie omieszkam poeksperymentować z czymś podobnym a efekty przedstawie na forum.
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Re: pytanko

Post by artattak »

artattak wrote:
Janusz Biela wrote:
artattak wrote:W jaki sposob zrobiłeś tak realistycznie wygladajacą lampę
http://www.kraytracing.com/joomla/forum ... &mode=view
materiał lampy to transperency, translucency ? no i co emituje światło area czy moze lumipoligon
Ta lampa to najwiekszy problem ktory wyszedl....srednio. Klosz jest przezroczysty a w srodku jest lumi sphera. A teraz najwiekszy problem: uzylem blur transparency ktory jest strasznie wolny (znow klania sie brak shaderow w Krayu) to wszystko. Metalowy klosz w srodku dla uwidocznienia efektu. To tyle......tylko ta lampa zabrala mi ok 20-30% czasu w renderze...
Trzeba czekac niestety na shadery :(
Jak ta lampa wyszła "średnio " to ja rzucam ten rendering i zatrudnie się na budowie :-) Dzięki za wskazówki nie omieszkam poeksperymentować z czymś podobnym a efekty przedstawie na forum.
No właśnie zaczołem eksperymenty i nie za bardzo wiem jak uzyskaś rozmycie przezroczystości ? może jakaś drobna wskazówka albo podpowiedz jak to uzyskać
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Janusz Biela
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Re: pytanko

Post by Janusz Biela »

Jak ta lampa wyszła "średnio " to ja rzucam ten rendering i zatrudnie się na budowie :-) Dzięki za wskazówki nie omieszkam poeksperymentować z czymś podobnym a efekty przedstawie na forum.

He he Wiem.
problem jest taki ze blur transparency dziala wolno (wiadomo nie jest to zrobione pod Kraya...znow klania sie brak shaderow dla materialow) im wiekszy parametr blur tym lepszy efekt ale dluzszy czas renderu (czasami renderowanie scene traci sens....)
Mozna to obejsc malym trikiem:
Przezroczystosc na kloszu + male jej rozmycie (REFRACTION BLURRING w zakladce ENVIRONMENT) 10-20% na papierowej obudowie lampy.
oraz najwiekszy trik w tym : lumi ball w srodku ktory posiada gradient jako luminescencje. To jest tylko idea, ktora mozna rozwinac na przyszlosc....
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by ideart »

Excuse me but I find very rude the fact that you keep on writing in a language that nobody else understands and keep on ignoring the other users.
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by Janusz Biela »

ideart wrote:Excuse me but I find very rude the fact that you keep on writing in a language that nobody else understands and keep on ignoring the other users.
Yes, I am deeply sorry. I wrote in Polish because I had no time to write in to languages...Just when I will get more free time I will translate it. :?
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by khan973 »

ideart wrote:Excuse me but I find very rude the fact that you keep on writing in a language that nobody else understands and keep on ignoring the other users.
Dude, you're tough! Janusz always write in a language that is not his mother language, at least 99.9% of the time. ok english is an international language but it is not a standard...
I indeed find it rude that you imply that not speaking english in a forum is rude... you should also give respect to other languages/cultures.
I find it nice from all of us, foreigners to make the effort to speak in a language that makes it easy to understand to everyone. Remember that IT IS NOT MANDATORY! globalization doesn't mean death to other cultures/languages...

that said, Internet has a load of translating tools if you want to understand.

Cheers :)
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by ideart »

khan973 wrote:
ideart wrote:Excuse me but I find very rude the fact that you keep on writing in a language that nobody else understands and keep on ignoring the other users.
Dude, you're tough! Janusz always write in a language that is not his mother language, at least 99.9% of the time. ok english is an international language but it is not a standard...
I indeed find it rude that you imply that not speaking english in a forum is rude... you should also give respect to other languages/cultures.
I find it nice from all of us, foreigners to make the effort to speak in a language that makes it easy to understand to everyone. Remember that IT IS NOT MANDATORY! globalization doesn't mean death to other cultures/languages...

that said, Internet has a load of translating tools if you want to understand.

Cheers :)
I think philosophizing about globalization in an international software forum is not necessary and counterproductive.
English is not my native language but like it or not it is the dominant tool to communicate worldwide so it is kind of mandatory.
I come from a rich culture myself too but Kray forum isn't the place for me to show it.
The last thing I wanted was to start a flame war and it's very awkward for me to respond to your post.
Janusz seemed to understand my point and he didn't seemed offended and if he was I don't mind apologizing for "being tough".
Janusz is the best Kray user and everybody wants read and learn from his commends and not just a same language fraction kray users.
Thank you.
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by nico »

khan pensa solo cosa potrebbe significare se tutti noi parlassimo la nostra lingua madre!!!....sarebbe il caos nel forum!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by talats »

nico wrote:khan pensa solo cosa potrebbe significare se tutti noi parlassimo la nostra lingua madre!!!....sarebbe il caos nel forum!!! :mrgreen:
E' vero, sarebbe tutto fin troppo caotico e incomprensibile! Ho un'idea: impariamo tutti il polacco (ma è lingua polacca?) così non abbiamo di questi problemi... Credo che per noi sia più facile imparare la lingua di Janusz che imparare a fare rendering come i suoi! :mrgreen:


It is true, everything would be chaotic and missundestandable! I have an idea: let's everybody learn polish (but is this polish?) so to not have this kind of problems... I think it's easier for us to learn Janusz's language that learn to make his wonderful rendering! :mrgreen:
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by Janusz Biela »

Hey is not big deal !
problem was how achieve effect of floor lamp. Because use lumi ball and transparency with blur refraction on the lamp shader is the best idea...I did that. But this basic idea is the first step to suicide I had to avoid problem.
Transparency+blur is the best solution but because we do not have Surface Shaders in Kray we must suffer :lol: But it is one solution:
1. We must use lumi ball
2. we must use transparency
3. We must use blur rerfaction

In point 3, then bigger parameter of refraction blur then better effect ...and the best way to kill cpu.
So I used lumi ball with gradient (pic above) + small effect (10%, which still is slow but not that to make time render "infinite") I wanted also make visible metal strings from inside. Actually this freaking lamp took ~30% of time render next ~20% was curtains....so you see how necessary KraySurfacesShader as additional is....
Btw English imho is only one language to share information , this language are international and will be more in future. Civilization goes to dual language (mother tongue and English) In next generations will be normal (and required!) dual language everywhere....and this will be normal.
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Re: ...to be continue

Post by nico »

news from italy!!!

the janusz's image on italian magazine:

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Re: ...to be continue

Post by Janusz Biela »

nico wrote:news from italy!!!

the janusz's image on italian magazine:

Oh maybe Grzegorz had interview about Kray....