Free Scene for practice

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Free Scene for practice

Post by larry_g1s »

Hi everyone. I've just purchased Kray over this last weekend, and I'm very excited to work with it and create beautiful render (like many I've scene on the boards & gallery). So I spent some time re-creating a scene from one of the images Nintendo released to promote Wii Fit (see below reference). Just a room I liked & thought it'd be fun to practice with. I figured sense I'd be going to these boards a lot for help, I'd also like to contribute back to it.

It's very basic in it's texturing, so you'll need to add that. But I decided to post it here in the Help and Tutorials section, in hopes that the community can see each others work & learn from one another.

Feel free to make it your own, enjoy.

Wii Fit
Slightly modified from originally posted.
(6.27 MiB) Downloaded 257 times
Last edited by larry_g1s on Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Larry V

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Post by Pheidian »

One note about the materials, as I quickly checked your scene... Also this is weird, I try to render the object and it keeps quitting my layout...

I'll check this soon, try to post some images too for this :)
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Post by Pheidian »

Oh well, forgot the note... Usually in Kray you never use Specularity values, just diffuse + reflection...
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Post by larry_g1s »

Pheidian wrote:Oh well, forgot the note... Usually in Kray you never use Specularity values, just diffuse + reflection...
So is it working for you now? Hope you like it other than the materials, like I said, they were just to get things going and differentiate the material from one another. I've been enjoying your work shown, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with. I'll give it ago tomorrow (it's 11pm 29th here in CA, USA).

EDIT: Looks like this is a scene to send to mr. gtanski, because mine cause LW to crash when I try to render it with Kray. Very strange. :cry:

EDIT: I sent an e-mail to Grzegorz (10:30am CA, USA 30th) with a link to this thread. Hopefully he'll be able to see what the bug is, cause I'm not having real good luck with scenes and Kray.

EDIT:Silverlw Yes It's the surface Divano surface Colour/Lightincidence causing Kray to freak out and crash. Also surface materials with diffuse Higher than 100% will react weird and start emitting light instead of absorbing/bouncing light. Also TURN DOWN specularity! Kray can render specularity but since we use GI and dont use raytraced real lights it just adds weirdness to the GI and longer rendertimes to calculate. I run into trouble with weird splotches on the floor but it turned out it was 3 layers of fractalnoise applied.
Larry V

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Post by larry_g1s »

Alright, had a chance to play around with it and found out it was the sofa in the scene that is causing the crash. I didn't model it, I believe I got it off the net. It might have been a different format that I pulled in to LW and saved as a .lwo...I don't remember. But if that was the case, I remember reading some where on the forums that that caused problems for someone else.

So long story short....take out or replace the sofa and let's start seeing some renders!!!
Larry V

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Post by Pheidian »

Yea, it worked fine untill I added more lights into the scene... Haven't had time to do anything about it yet, gotta do some work also :)
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where to start...?

Post by larry_g1s »

Okay, where to start? I'm not new to LW, I've been using it for about 5 yrs solid, but what I feel that I am still new to is, CG lighting. I've attached a test render from the scene I posted. And this is what I don't understand about CG lighting and could really use some help on. If you look at the test image I've attached it's very very dark. But the amount of light that is coming through the windows seems like a decent amount. Why does it seem like the rest of the room doesn't receive much of light. How do I get a properly lite room? My intial reaction would be to add some lights inside the room, but that's what I thought one of the benefits of Kray was, not having to fake GI.

I've attached my settings (which are very standard because I don't know Kray yet) for any reference. My main light source is 150% with Inverse Distance ^ 2 at 1 km fall off, with a SunSpot settings found in Jure's tutorial.
kray_render_test_v001.jpg (104.86 KiB) Viewed 5267 times
kray_render_test_v001_settings.jpg (224.58 KiB) Viewed 5246 times
Larry V

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Post by silverlw »

You may increase light by changing gamma to whatever suits you or switch to exponential 10 for example. that will defenetly brighten up the room for you.
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Post by larry_g1s »

Silverlw wrote:You may increase light by changing gamma to whatever suits you or switch to exponential 10 for example. that will definetly brighten up the room for you.
I've attached an image after adding some area lights externally, and upping the parameter to 4.0 & exposure to 1.5 on Exponential.

Is there to optimise the render speeds, I'm getting almost 19 1/2 minutes on a Quad Core processor for a 1280x960 resolution. I've seen others on here get much better times on half the horse power.
kray_render_test_v002.jpg (436.44 KiB) Viewed 5268 times
Larry V

Romans 1:16
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Post by Pheidian »

I suggest you leave area lights out as much as possible... You should get that same result using skydome around your house, adding it 400 % luminosity and then use the new krayindirect shader, multiply 2.0, maybe try with limited dr does for you...

Then add photons around 500 000, multiply 2.0 and you should get pretty good light in the scene, just with those windows...

Then in general tab, set exponential and parameter to 1.5 - 2.0 which suits best, I wouldn't use exposure that much, 1.0 should be fine...
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Post by silverlw »

Thanx for your scene Juggernaut.
Here is the setup the way i would do it.
I added an hdri to the window (not necessary but i like the colour from it). I have divided the 2 windows into 2 partnames (could divide it more maybe?) and i also divided the 4 lightbulbs in those spotlights.
Kray see's 6 lumelights added and renders all light under 85% as indirect (photonmapping+fg) and the light above 85% as direct (from those 6 lightsources)
I always adds Limitdr to those surfaces that casts light to further help kray a little bit. Rendertime is 15 minutes on Amd 4400+.
kray_render00000.jpg (763.21 KiB) Viewed 5337 times
Wii Fit Scene.rar
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