Kray3 based, CPU compute power, free evaluation tool has been released. Download, execute and add you machine result to our online ranking.
Kray3 has been updated to version RC2. Few bug fixed and significant improvements in noise control code.
Kray3 has reached next milestone! Its status has been changed to Release Candidate. This means, there are no known bugs that prevent using it in a production. Give it a try and push it to the limits! Let us know how it performs on Kray forum and gallery.
Another bunch of fixes and optimizations has been added to Kray3. Update is available for all Kray3 users. Log in and download.
Kray3 is getting closer to Release Candidate version. Open Beta 6 released with optimizations and few bug fixes.
Update of Kray3 has been released. Bunch of bugs fixed (listed as usual in changelog.txt inside archive)
Kray 3 OB4 has just been released. There are some experimental features and bug fixes. For details check changlelog.txt inside downloaded pack.
Kray 3 is updated to OB2. There are bug fixes and optimizations, OpenEXR support and two new render buffers.
Long awaited Kray3 is now Open Beta. Preorder today and get access to K3 Open Beta and full version of K2.