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Kray and RenderQ

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:20 pm
by mrwiggles
Hi kray friends.
I've a little question... have you ever try RenderQ and Kray?

I've set 4 scenes, in Kray in the Misc tab i've set "close preview on finish" on every scene,buffer export activated, different name for every file saved . In Lw the frame range is ok for all scene.

In a new session of the layout i start render Q and make a list of the four scenes.
The render starts, but RenderQ render only the first 2 scene on the list! no matter which ones. Just the first two..

Any advice?

Thanks a lot.

Re: Kray and RenderQ

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:00 pm
by jure
The problem is LightWave does not send 'LWEVNT_NOTIFY_RENDER_COMPLETE' notification to Lscripts when using external renderers. Actually it sends this notification only once (that is why only first 2 scenes renders). Its the same for any external renderer, not only Kray (I've tested it with DarkRenderer - LW SDK renderer sample). Unfortunately problem isn't Kray nor RenderQ script. It must be fixed in Layout core.

Re: Kray and RenderQ

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:39 pm
by mrwiggles
Thank you Jure!Very esaustive answer, now i've understand.

At least it wasn't my fault :)