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360° Stereo-3D Panorama

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:51 am
by Steel

iam trying to create a 360° Stereo 3D Panorama.
Here is my current result

In some areas it works fine. But in areas nearby the camera there is a wrong offset.
My current setting are : Camera distance between left and right camera 60mm.
Each camera has a heading rotation of 0,4.

Does anybody have some experience which are good settings for camera to get some good result for near and far

Another question is if there is a command line to render two images with fix camera distance and spherical camera mode in one step. So these command line but each part of rendering in spherical mode -> camera stereo,0,0,0,(0,0,0),<>,0.02,2;lwcammode 8;


Re: 360° Stereo-3D Panorama

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:28 pm
by jure
I'm not sure you can do 3d spherical panorama since spherical image is being rendered from a single point. If you move this point for the second eye then you will inevitably get errors in some areas. Would need to do more research on this subject to see if it's possible at all.

Btw.: very soon kray 2.2 will be released with stereo camera mode added so you won't need to use the command manually.

About rendering in one go: I would simply switch to Kray spherical camera and render out two frames with camera postion slightly moved.

Re: 360° Stereo-3D Panorama

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:14 pm
by Steel
Hi Jure,

i have found this example of real photo panorama. This one works fine for me
Example works

Re: 360° Stereo-3D Panorama

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:57 pm
by jure
Do you know how was it made? If it's as simple as shooting two panoramas from two positions then you should be able to do just the same with what I posted earlier.

Re: 360° Stereo-3D Panorama

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:26 am
by inakito
did u get ur render with a single shot?im trying to get a simple 360 with the diff cams in kray
but i cant get the same results as yours... my render is very distorted and doesnt show the ceiling
and ground of my render properly and with no distort...

Re: 360° Stereo-3D Panorama

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:20 am
by thomas
I just render out from a single point using a camera with a 90 degrees field of view and a square image proportion. Then I render top, bottom, front, back, left and right. When you map these onto a cube you get a perfect 360 view (that even gives the impression of some perspective distortion when rotating). This is the technique that QuickTime panorama and a couple of other solutions use. Loads of fun!


Re: 360° Stereo-3D Panorama

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:30 pm
by inakito
I understand this technique but i was wondering if this is posible when using the advance camera and u choose to render 360 degrees...

Cool! editing the settings of the advanced camera from Lightwave shorts the problem out