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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:47 pm
by ana028
I'm new in kray and I don't know many things yet.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:52 pm
by jure
I think Ana028 is doing just fine. How about you Mario? When will we see your renders with Kray?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:43 pm
by Voxel
Here is the scene. The first 5 frames have the green light in the center of the room set to on and the rest have it off (as shown on forum.) The green light didn't render correctly in 1.6 so I never showed it.

Reduced: Textures changed from png to jpg.
Removed: Background HDR image.


Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:03 pm
by Mario
jure wrote:I think Ana028 is doing just fine. How about you Mario? When will we see your renders with Kray?
:wink: Still watching Kray.
Not shure yet, if this is my choice.
Ill wait for the new big update and see how are the new imporvement coming along.
Jure dont get me wrong but how many people are working on the KRAY?
Is this like one man aplication or is it the whole team working day and night?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:36 pm
by ana028
Mario what's your problem ? It's very important if the team or the man of kray work all days or all nights or all days and nights, I'm an owner of Lightwave and at the moment I have LW9.2 OB 6 and the all team of Newtek can't make
a render engine that can be make a complex gi scene in a few minutes.

I'm posting all my changes because at the moment I'm learning and I want to coment with the people of these forum because these people know a lot.

When I finished this work, I'll start another and I'll post all works to comments with the people of this forum.

In the future, If I learn to used kray finally, I'll buy this software, because I think that there is a great render engine.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:50 pm
by jure
Mario wrote: Jure dont get me wrong but how many people are working on the KRAY?
Is this like one man aplication or is it the whole team working day and night?
You should check KRay threads on Newtek forums. There you will find alot of answers to your questions.

Anyways I'll say this again...
Kray is developed by Grzegorz Tanski, he's the mastermind behind this great render engine. It started as a hobby for him but now it looks like G. can afford to work on it full time. If Kray keeps selling well he'll be able to afford get couple more people onboard soon to help him with development...
Then here are we "the voluenteers" - Silver, Paolo, Erwin, Johny and me who help hunting bugs and advice on features...

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:05 pm
by Mario
All the best to Grzegorz Tanski and all of you!
Make this BIG!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:47 pm
by _mats_
I agree with Ana 100%

its mind boggling that Newtek, being an incorporated company with LOTS of employees and coders (at least a LOT more than mindberries) was unable to produce anything remotely close to Kray's speed and quality to this day.

My congrats to Grzegorz again, I purchased Kray and I am pretty sure I will never look back at LW for any radiosity render ever again (here is a quick test I did, my second test, just playing around with a structure similar to Johnny's armadi render)

I love what I see so far, and with network rendering as promised this will rock the arch viz world, like vray did for max, I am positive. (render nodes/buckets for mac/pc would be great in the future too ;)

Matt -

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:34 am
by pixym
_mats_ wrote:I agree with Ana 100%

its mind boggling that Newtek, being an incorporated company with LOTS of employees and coders (at least a LOT more than mindberries) was unable to produce anything remotely close to Kray's speed and quality to this day.

My congrats to Grzegorz again, I purchased Kray and I am pretty sure I will never look back at LW for any radiosity render ever again (here is a quick test I did, my second test, just playing around with a structure similar to Johnny's armadi render)

I love what I see so far, and with network rendering as promised this will rock the arch viz world, like vray did for max, I am positive. (render nodes/buckets for mac/pc would be great in the future too ;)

Matt -
I am also quite confident with kray.
It is perhaps the best thing that happens to LW Archi Viz community...

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:59 am
by Mario
If NewTek has any interest in GI engine I dont see why the hack they dont get Grzegorz Tanski to work as their master programer on the KRAY as integretaed engine for LW?!
Maybe thats whats G aiming :wink:

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:16 pm
by erwin zwart
Mario wrote:All the best to Grzegorz Tanski and all of you!
Make this BIG!
you mean Autodesk-Big? ;)
I am wondering, how much more improvements do you need? Do you own FPrime, do you use LW radiosity?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:23 pm
by erwin zwart
Mario wrote:If NewTek has any interest in GI engine I dont see why the hack they dont get Grzegorz Tanski to work as their master programer on the KRAY as integretaed engine for LW?!
Maybe thats whats G aiming :wink:
LW development did not exist for some time, the old crew was too busy with leaving to luxology and the new one was trying to understand the code garbage. Most updates last years were just adding some 3rd party stuff and most in a bad way.
You just need one very good programmer's sparetime to come up with kray GI, so obviously Newtek is not interested that much in GI renders. FPrime jumped into the Monte Carlo gap, kray into the photonmap/final gather gap.
In my opinion Newtek should open up the renderengine fully, but I am afraid they will come up with their own halfbaked effort like with a lot of 3rd party stuff in the past. And that leaves us with a good 3rd party thing that cannot use LW internal code and a bad inside thing nobody wants to use.

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:29 pm
by Mario
Anyway, glad that LW finaly has an fast GI engine.
Seems that they finaly started aiming more towards archviz.
Also, today I got an email form Victor the cretor of LWCAD.
The new big update for 2.5 will have doors/windows command, wich will create opening automaticly and insert windows and doors.
This is realy something!
Can you imagine the speed boost :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:04 pm
by erwin zwart
Mario wrote:Anyway, glad that LW finaly has an fast GI engine.
Seems that they finaly started aiming more towards archviz.
"they"? you mean Newtek? I see no sign of this. All of this is 3rd party.

LWCAD2 is cool yes.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 7:27 pm
by Voxel
I render to HDR which means two things: 1) anti-aliasing is completely broken when an area has a very high contrast ratio and 2) You need to remap the images to get the best results.

I was just doing a gamma tone-map which is much the same as if I had rendered in Kray 1.6 to a non-HDR file format. I finally picked up the trial of Photomatix and had a chance to try real tone-mapping (because Photoshop CS2 sucks at HDR tone-mapping).

I must admit the results are better than I imagined they would be.
