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Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:12 am
by jure
Josamoto wrote:
I dunno if I'm setting my light up the right way. I mean I could also change the falloff to say 100m and adjust the brightness accordingly, but I'm not entirely sure which way is right.
I usually set the falloff distance to the distance of light from object - so that the circle of falloff distance just touchec the object. Then you only need to have light at about 100-200%.

What is your GI resolution? Are you using auto? If not do so... Your cells seem too big. You can make them smaller with lowering "precache distance" also but usually auto GI resoulution takes care of that.
Also turn to precomputed filtered and check if irradiance is smooth...

Makeeeeng Progrrrrressss

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:54 am
by Josamoto
I've rendered about 3 images since yesterday. Ill explain as I go along.

This image following took 7 grueling hours to render. And I find that the curtains take very long to render. It has some gradient transparency with slight translucency. I think a lot of FG rays also go in there because of the curviness of the curtains.


This guy took about 12 minutes to render. I took away the curtains and also turned of AA.


With this image, I rendered with the curtains again, but this time without any AA. I used stochastic AA with the first image. So as we see, it appears AA can take a very looooooong time to render if not tuned nicely.


I wanted to attach the scene here, but I can't get to compress the LWO file below 1Mb with WinRAR.

Up to this far, this is the best results I ever achieved with Kray, and its all thanks to me being an absolute noob with Kray.

Kray rulez!!!

Basic settings:
500 000 photons
N = 5000
Oversample = 500%
Spatial Tolerance = 0.2

as per Jure's suggestion.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:57 am
by jure
I'm glad you're getting nice results.. As for the curtains... Yeah translucency is very slow in 1.612 and it is also buggy so avoid it till next version comes out. You can make curtains transparent only with gradient on incidenc angle... Also check ... ?p=579#579 for how I did my curtains...

Also AA is a bit slow in 1.612. But it will be much much faster in next version I can assure you that!

Btw. you can try turning up multiplier to make your room brighter. In next version you'll also be able to use Exponential tone mapping ala vray...

Happy Kraying and keep us posted on your progress!

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:35 pm
by Josamoto
Thanks for the help jure, and also everyone else here!!!! I'll keep the translucency bug in mind. And thanks also for the curtain material tip. I'll post a rerender shortly.

I also want to experiment with baking the GI with my scene.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:31 pm
by Josamoto
Just another quick update. I dunno what went wrong here, but I would love to know what is generally the problem with the splotchiness in the wall and other corners.

I'm fairly happy with the lighting in a sense. I manipulated the gamma and exposure slightly to try and get better tonal mapping.


BTW, I used Jure's curtain material posted to me earlier. Looks great!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:45 am
by jure
Well the splotchiness is usualy caused when Kray doesn't have enough accurate FG date at a given point. Increasing FG max and/or oversample should help in that case. Also if your precomputed irradiance isn't realy smooth you won't be able to get rid of the splotches no matter how high your FG settings.

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:31 pm
by Josamoto
Is it at all possible that I can email my kitchen scene to some of you guys, and maybe you can take a look at my setup. I can't get this thing to render neatly in under 5 hours, and I've seen other renders running at under 60 minutes and looking real good.

Just PM me with you email address and I'll send it straight away. Maybe someone can spot something I'm doing wrong, and I can avoid this problem forever.

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 10:21 pm
by silverlw
I have sent you an pm and would be happy too look at the problem.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:00 am
by Josamoto
I've managed to find the problem. I re-exported my kitchen scene at some stage, isolating it from the rest of the house, coz I feel, why have so much geometry in the scene if I don't see it in the camera.

The mistake I made was that I had some points lying across the model that were not attached to any polygons, and it appears as if these points messed up the GI auto resolution.

My results are back, and next up, Ill be putting on proper textures and a few more loose items and utencils in the kitchen.


Settings: (These are what I changed, the rest are at default)
3 million photons
N = 15000
Paths = 1 (as I had some light bleeding through the door corners)
FG Spatial Tolerance = 0.2
Oversample = 500% (Min & Max Rays unchanged)
Grid x3 Full Screen AA
Undersample 32

I'm really beginning to understand Kray I think. Can't wait for 1.7!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:06 pm
by silverlw
Nice you found the problems. Yes i looked at the room and was very confused by the loose walls and how things were built so i highly suggest it to be rebuilt as one solid object. The room as one object, preferably with some thickness so you can use photonmapping. The furnitures and the rest as separate objects.
What have you exported it from?

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 2:27 pm
by Josamoto
Hi Silver.

I exported the scene from Modo 201, but as I mentioned, I cut away the rest of the house, as the kitchen is part of an entire house model I built.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:30 am
by dwyatt
You're getting ther, Josamoto :D
I really would like to se this thing all texed up...


Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:15 pm
by Josamoto
I've ripped out the furniture, and decided to start texturing properly. I'll be adding some more props to this scene and hopefully by tomorrow night, have some final renders.


Settings in a nutshell:
Using Photon Mapping; Lightmap; Received
1000000 Photons; N = 10000.
FG Spatial Tolerance : 0.2; Oversample = 500%
FSAA Grid x3; Undersample = 32; Threshold = 0
Area Light Recursive Min = 2; Max = 4

As I'm adding the furniture, I'll probably need to readjust the settings.

Crits please!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:57 am
by jure
Hey looking good so far! Put in the furniture!

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:07 pm
by Josamoto
Sorry guys, no furniture render yet. It's busy rendering now.

I have a few reflective objects, and I also added a small amount of reflection to the wood etc. Though its just about 2% on some items, the reflection blurring appears to greatly lengthen the render time.

I'll leave this one rendering tonight and hope I can have a pic to post tomorrow.