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Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:03 pm
by rosstheboss
Somthing new that i'm working on. this is project of small appartments. first render of 3. not my design but i like it.

Re: New_Wip...

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:35 pm
by Janusz Biela
Yes it looks promised :wink:
I will write in points (is better to organize):

1. I suggest start learn Nodes - without them is impossible to receive good materials
2. In Kray are missing some materials (Velvet and anisotropic reflection. Both we will add in K3.0 as NodeKray, especially anisotropic reflection, which is the most important).
3. After K3.0 will be possible (maybe to buy) use whole package of my Nodes - I need 3-5 months to finish them. The most important is that: my Nodes works well in Kray and LW (no strange connections and shaders which are not supported in Kray, they are very physical, according to real behavior of surfaces in real World) But I need K3.0 to continue it. They are very easy to use and what is the most important:very easy to develop variations of materials. Having one plastic Node You can easy create many variations by a few clicks of mouse - that`s the my idea - to give solution which users can easy develop by itself.
4. Glass material - here also is no solution. Dielectric Node is buggy and provoke light leaks in Kray. I force G. to write our shader glass in K3.0. Then we will be independent from "no solution situation" with glass material in Lightwave - because really is no solution in LW for that. Glass is complicate for calculation and simulation and need special shader which support Kray Engine. The part of code is ready with real spreading all spectrum colour and of course with fast render.Glass also need refraction blur filter which exist in LW ...but turning ON this effect will kill both engines: LW and Kray....
5. Velvet effect - the most difficult material to simulate. I do not know what will be future with that. This material is necessary to render cloth materials. Simulation from Nodes is only poor replacement, velvet from LW has no value.This is open subject...

1. Path Tracing GI in corners (You can notice darken GI) and after that white GI. This is effect of to short Path distance (best is start from 50% up). This also will be change in K3.0. Of course this system is very accurate but make renders slower. Actually this is Real Path Tracing (with one bounce if is set up 1) as Cache method. This prevent light leaks in geometry but make let`s say ugly effect. To make nice effect better use Path minimum 5 bounce and 100% distance in FG tab. Render will be longer but effect smaller visible. If You like sharp corners then turn OFF this option...but this will affect a lot light leaks. Summarizing this will be changed in K3.0.
2. Physical Lights - will be shader for Kray which finally make order with lights from Lightwave (no noise, Z-distance GI, etc)
3. New GI engine will make easy life for users especially when will be support by easy Skyportals.

I have also plans to make good base of carpets by LW Instance which is great tool. Maybe somebody in future will write fur generator for Kray. Actually carpets are quite difficult to render because they have many variations of fur effect with size, colour and angle.

I wait for next renders! :wink: :!: