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Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:33 pm
by Alexis
RAM memory is not full ?

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:20 am
by ideart
No it is not, in my current wip scene only 8gb from total 24gb is used by render but I have the same problem and it's getting very very counterproductive.

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:32 am
by jnom
Janusz Biela wrote:Ok thx!
I noticed also something strange. I switched now to 2.55 and speed is good. Because I used 2.55 long time and it was not problem then I suspect bug in last Kray.
I will post this to G.

So there's big bug in latest kray?

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:07 pm
by ideart
During the second in a row render the program is on the verge of crashing, hitting escape manages to cancel the render after a couple of minutes. I even tried different settings simple raytracing included for the second render but problem persists.

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 2:57 pm
by ZodiaQ
mmm noticing the same problem here lately (2.56)
Sometimes it flies through calculating prep photon maps and global PM while other times it's almost stuck.
And it's not with every scene and not every time, seems quite random...
switching back to 2.55 for now as that seems to fix the problem

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:41 pm
by brownie
I'm fighting against such a problem for about 2 weeks.
My scene is quite heavy with lots of plants. Partly because of laziness I've first used a high recurse value.

The render only stops (I mean stop not crash) with high resolution.

Now I reimport each object one by one, and I 'm about to import the last one. Now I use Clipmap instead of transparency. Until that it works, so I cross my fingers for the last object.

No problem of Ram, nor objet quality.

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:21 pm
by ideart
Rolled back to 2.55 same problem.
I noticed that even when a scene renders fine still this problem appear if I make i.e a surface change.
After that even if I undo the change the problem persists. Also if I don't restart LW and load a different scene I have the same problem.
I even test it in another pc with the same results.
I also have tried Janusz's setups with the same results.
Same with override surfaces.
After I hit the X button in the kray render panel it takes several minutes for LW to recover.
What's up with this problem? Is it just me? Is someone watching this? Am I in the wrong section? Cause it's been several months.

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:18 pm
by ZodiaQ
I have issues as well, with 2.55 as well as with 2.56.
At moments with some (heavy?) scenes global PM calculating slows to a crawl every now and then, mostly I am able to stop rendering (allthough it takes some time for Kray to respond) and sometimes after scene saving it's ok again, but sometimes if I try to reload scene LW crashes.
With freshly loaded scene everything is fine and some scenes don't seem to have this problem ever.
I sometimes suspect scenes with heavy instancing (with kray autoparts?) but I'm not sure.
Either way it's often frustrating :(

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:05 pm
by Janusz Biela
I sent to G. some tests scenes with this problem. It appear when scene is heavy with many Instances - I noticed slow Photon calculations (~3-5 times slower) and of course slower render (sometimes almost twice longer).
Helps only delete instances - not reducing!

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:15 am
by ideart
No instances here and i have 100 or more times slower.
Can I send somewhere a problematic scene?

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:24 am
by ideart
Have been doing tests and strange things are happening.
I deleted about 10 objects and the scene was rendering fine.
So I loaded again the original scene with the 10 objects that I have deleted and is rendering also fine (at least for now).
It seems quite random.

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:23 pm
by ideart
I make some minor random change in a surface, or add an object and again problem.
I make a new scene and I am adding the objects one by on with a plane diffuse surface and problem again.
I cannot work with Kray anymore.

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:20 pm
by Janusz Biela
Yes bug is annoying when scene is big.
G. check this now and perhaps will be next week update. Also, will be new info about K3 (G. close last parts in K3 engine and soon will be Kray3.p beta for LW)

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:02 pm
by Keraressi Abdelkarim
u mean G! is finish new luminosity system . its done and soon beta start janusz ?

Re: Problem after first render

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:30 am
by gtanski
Hi Everyone,

It looks like 2 separate problems here. One slow down related to instances and another slow down when rendering same scene more than once. Simple scenes (the simpler the better) that ilustrates both issues are needed. I've got examples of instancing problem, but more examples like that can be also helpful.

Small progress update. I'm now back to 2.x issues and want to make hopefully last 2.x update. Kray 3.x beta for developers is almost ready to release. That means all planned core features are done and developers (3rd party software interfaces) can start testing, but not all features are connected to LightWave version yet.