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Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:54 am
by jnom
Not sure this wait and see approach is totally effective if kray wants to attract developers. There's already a multitude of renderers out there so this might be an effort that must be done by kray devs themselves.
Octane dev had to pay other devs to do the converting for other appz. I'm not sure how much but you can try to ask the one that did the lightwave octane version.
Btw will the next kray update be completely compatible with 9.6? I think people will hold off uggrading to 10 or 11 in the foreseeable future.

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:06 pm
by jure
jnom wrote:Not sure this wait and see approach is totally effective if kray wants to attract developers. There's already a multitude of renderers out there so this might be an effort that must be done by kray devs themselves.
Octane dev had to pay other devs to do the converting for other appz. I'm not sure how much but you can try to ask the one that did the lightwave octane version.
Btw will the next kray update be completely compatible with 9.6? I think people will hold off uggrading to 10 or 11 in the foreseeable future.
Yes the way things are looking now it should be fully compatible.

About hiring devs to do the port: we would have already done that if we could afford it. Unfortunately LW sales have not been going so well...

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:58 pm
by larry_g1s
jure wrote:Yes the way things are looking now it should be fully compatible.

About hiring devs to do the port: we would have already done that if we could afford it. Unfortunately LW sales have not been going so well...
Well I hope that things pick up for you guys, whether it's through LW sales or through ports to new apps. G's really got something here with Kray and I'd like to see it really flourish.

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:57 pm
Please don't tell me you have decided not to continuer with Kray development. I hope that was not what you meant?

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:53 pm
I thought all LW users was using Kray??? Why I cannot understand. When I first learned the basic settings in Kray I have never done an F9. Believe when I say, its all about marketing because Kray is so much better then LW render.

I spend one year in the Kray forum reading every post about setting before I used Kray in production. This should be so much easier simply with a few simple preset for download. Today I use 2 different settings all the time. One for interior and one for exterior. Lately I have started using HDRI images with Kray. I thought that was difficult so I never bothered. But it is so simply and so beautiful. And so fast to render. My clients are amazed by the result compared to what we used to deliver before Kray

I believe you have to explain with tutorials that this is so easy to use, and have some preset to download. Kray is like Vray. You get frustrated and board when you first open it up.

I se kray users with unbelievable results and I se Kray users whit very bad render results? Why? It is simple because of there render settings... but with the right preset, every render should look amazing... You could take away 90% of all the buttons and commands and have a load preset button instead for various scenarios. Almost like Mode. But better.

Keep up the good work with Kray. I love it, and with the right marketing every LW user will do the same.

Just a few thing I would like to be improved:

- we have to have contact shadow in animation render.

- VPR would be great

- Se where the sun is with the daylight system.

- Maby a HDRI tutorial and a HDRI packed for download (we must pay for it like in Modo)

- Ease of use interface (not that I need it anymore)

- Render Preset download.

- Kray tutorials on Youtube. (There is nothing)

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:29 pm
by jure
Thank you for your words of encouragement. It's always nice to hear back from satisfied users.

No, we are not thinking of dropping the development at all. The development of Kray core has been very strong last year or so even though there's really only one man behind it all - Grzegorz. Luckily Sketchup plugin with Kray render engine has been selling well and people are getting nice results, just like you said - you only need a couple of presets. That is also our aim for v3 - simplify rendering process as much as possible.

As you know things with LW development wasn't going so well so it has lost a lot of it's user base and that inevitably reflects also on 3rd party plugin sales. This is also why we decided that v3 should be as easy as possible to port to other platforms. When v2 was released I tried to market Kray as best as I could. I did release a couple of tutorials, started the preset database and such and I was hoping the community will join in and help us bring it to the next level, together... Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case. It's most likely due to not having enough users. Most popular render engine on the market has a huge user base that just keeps growing, huge resource of tutorials and learning material and they earn big bucks. The developers didn't get there by themselves. They were at the right time on the right place, getting enough users to reach the "critical mass" and then the ball just keeps rolling...

This is why users like yourself can help us a lot by helping others, write tutorials, share presets and spread out the good word about Kray engine. Hopefully this will attract more users that will create even more tutorials and more presets and not to mention bring in enough money to speed up the development process.
I se kray users with unbelievable results and I se Kray users whit very bad render results? Why? It is simple because of there render settings... but with the right preset, every render should look amazing... .
Even though I'd wish that was the case, to be completely honset, that is not entirely true. Quite a lot is down to lighting and setting up proper materials in the scene. But what you say about presets it's true. I also rarely change render engine parameters.

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:06 am
by salvatore
Yes I agree!
Kray is the best render engine in the world!
My work is greatly improved compared LW
I also use 2 settings and edit only a bit parameter for interior and exterior and time render is great!
Very productive because customers continually ask changes to the project and want to control the rendering
Kray work fast ! and the quality is great
When you need a best quality render edit base setting and the render is very good!
I am fully satisfied!
Some my render have been published in a important italian magazine :D
this is the best way to introduce Kray in the render world :D

only 2 things we need to improve immediately (for me) :

1- displacemente
2- kray instances for make green to the grayscale image

I look forward Kray v3
tnx to all !

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:05 am
by Janusz Biela
salvatore wrote:Yes I agree!
Kray is the best render engine in the world!
My work is greatly improved compared LW
I also use 2 settings and edit only a bit parameter for interior and exterior and time render is great!
Very productive because customers continually ask changes to the project and want to control the rendering
Kray work fast ! and the quality is great
When you need a best quality render edit base setting and the render is very good!
I am fully satisfied!
Some my render have been published in a important italian magazine :D
this is the best way to introduce Kray in the render world :D

only 2 things we need to improve immediately (for me) :

1- displacemente
2- kray instances for make green to the grayscale image

I look forward Kray v3
tnx to all !

100% true :D
I can not show my last renders now, but believe me they have good level that make V-ray very ashamed (I say it ...even if I am very criticism to my self..)...And again I change my opinion about good render: 90% IDEA and THINKING rest is engine...
1- displacement
2- kray instances from image
3- small curve gamma correction in tonemaping
4- update GI engine
these my points :wink:

I also look forward Kray v3
Thank You all and keep good quality....and remind again: good renders from V-ray are not just a blink of eye...people stay on head to do that quality... :mrgreen:

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:03 am
by bigstick
I can confirm that the SketchUp implementation of Kray is doing very well, and actually that is helping to provide resources to support development for LW.

In part this is because of the help and generosity of all of you guys (particularly Jure and Erwin - thanks guys!) in helping to post your settings to produce a set of robust, reliable presets to make life easy for relative novices.

I make the presets (having had help from Jure and Erwin) for Podium and so far things are looking reasonably good.

Most people here are very experienced in rendering, in SketchUp, it's kind of the opposite.

Screenshots of your setups are *very* helpful and I can transfer these straight to preset variables.

If you can share your favourite setups for interiors and exteriors (and night renders) it will help a lot.

We are also looking forward to Kray 3, and we want the two implementations to coexist happily. I refer our best users here to learn more. Anything that makes Kray more popular and powerful is excellent for us!

Our gallery is here :-
If you have some observations, please, please share them. High quality and fast render speed are the things that users find most useful. I still have blotches on some scenes - but I still have a lot to learn about Kray and I can't do it without you. :wink:

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:31 pm
by Janusz Biela
Is nice to see that good gallery :) Congratulations !

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:55 pm
by bigstick
Thanks Janusz - praise indeed from you!

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:57 pm
by Janusz Biela
I want put two small dot the I....last time when I used F9 for LW engine render was...5 years ago.
Second, is nothing to compare LW engine render and FPrime to Kray....I know people get small angry with Kray setup, light, texture, ideas...but sorry guys, AGE of raytracing is GONE. Now reigns Photon Mapping, realistic tonemaping, ultra fast engine renders with incredible code, proxys, instances, ultra fast blur, real displacement. End If somebody need really good quality and effects, must read, learn, training and THINK...and forget about MAGIC BUTTON which by one press make good render....

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:23 pm
by bigstick
In a strange way (because I have been promoting the 'magic button' approach for years with Kray in SketchUp) I agree with you 100%. The power of modern render engines improves every year which makes it easier to get good results with little effort. However good results will always be nothing more than just 'good'.

The simpler render engines get, the more critical this is. Everyone will be generating better results than they were before - and faster. However for truly inspiring results, the person behind the render engine is the most important thing and I think this will be more important than ever. The magic button will only get you so far.

It's not just learning and understanding, it's an obsession for perfection and an ability to think around the problems to get the best results.

There are lots of people here that do this - that's why I keep following this forum and trying to learn from you. :)

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:07 pm
by Janusz Biela
Yes , I agree. New engines renders shift good quality to forward...but still for REALY GOOD renders You need REALY GOOD SKILL.....

Re: any news from kray world?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:33 am
by jnom
Any update on the update? :mrgreen: